Monday, July 27, 2020

Why do our muscles get tired?

WALT we have been learning about muscle fatigue and how to beat it. How do you get muscle fatigue you ask? I will tell you how it can be triggered.  One reason is running really fast because your blood carry's oxygen to the muscle's and when you run real fast it starts pumping more oxygen into your muscle then the blood can supply it.  Here is a fact to help: your body needs oxygen to work. 

What did you learn while you were reading? that when you exercise a lot it can make you tired and sore.

What did you enjoy?
the experiment where Oscar and Moana see who has the fittest fingers.

What was tricky? trying to find the right width on the embed code.

What could I do better next time? understanding things better.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nico, you have shared so many interesting facts about muscle fatigue. How have your muscles been feeling since we started cross country training?


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