Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Level 2 Covid 19 Writing

WALT explain what the rules are at Level 2 and what we think about it. This is my covid 19 writing. What happens at level 2: physical distancing, eating inside/outside at school and sneezing/coughing into your elbow. [No change there though] I feel annoyed because I get bored at home in lockdown. [Apart from watching movies] I love watching movies. lockdown + movies = happiness lockdown + no school = boredness do not panic buy.  At school: junior lunch and  junior morning tea. Then senior morning tea, at lunch no touching faces washing hands. [basically everywhere] Everywhere: not bumping people, not  touching people because of covid 19, not buying all the toilet paper  in pak n save. I mean nobody likes covid 19. In America 5000 people are dying in America each day! That is because  they are not going into level four lockdown because Donald Trump said they don’t  need to.  Silly right? I think it is because if they don’t go into lockdown it will mean total extension. 



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