Sunday, December 6, 2020

Camp Thank You Letters

 After camp at school we made some thank you letters for the camp.


Water Safety

 WALT We are learning to know the difference when there is a rip and when there isn't. We have a little way to remember it too. "If it's white it's alright" But... "If it's green it's mean"  


Paddle Boarding

On Wednesday my class Te Manga, Te Puawai and Te Kauru got ready to walk down to lake Ngatu. It took us ages to get there because the length was 1 point 30 k. When we got there we waited for Te Kauru then finally my teacher said we can play on the sand so everyone went running, jumping, sliding and tripping down into the shallows and started to jump into the holes. People started throwing sand balls at each other. 

There was a big hole in the corner on the left that nobody knew about. When it was my turn to go on the paddle board we went out to the deep. We started to jump off the paddle board. I swam the way back when we back on the sand Atama found the big hole. and started to dig it out... Soon we were testing how deep it was and everybody was falling over because it was that deep! Soon the teacher said to come by our bags and we did the school pattere for joe and scott. 


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