Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Moment in Time

WALT use descriptive vocabulary to describe a moment in time.

Learning Reflection

I described the elephants in the picture like sentinels on burning hot magma, I thought I did well!

What did I find tricky? describing a moment in time because I could not make up my mind which colour will be the really good in my colour combination.

How can I extend myself next time? try to write another paragraph because could not write one.

SJ L2 2017 - Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui

WALT  find out what students at one school do to celebrate the Māori New Year. To use the main ideas to summarise the text.   Ramanui school celebrate the Maori new year by inviting there friends to the hakari [feast]   and koro bill is the hangi master he know's how to make a really good hangi,  after the hangi the evening starts with a mihi [speech] and a karakia [ chant ] led by Matua Louie. He greets the whanau of Ramanui school.     

What did I enjoy?: the time capsule paragraph because it can hold thing's of what the had in there class.
What surprised me?: In 2053 when the school celebrate's it's 100th birthday by most of the students will be in there 40's What was the most interesting thing I learnt?: the class have to look Puanga because they can't see Matariki.

Monday, June 15, 2020

The plastic free challenge

We have made a presentation about why is plastic bad?You can read some facts that I learnt and a link to a video about plastic.
 I found it interesting that 80% of the world is not recycling

Learning Reflection - What did I do well? adding information. What was tricky? fitting the bird pic in How can I extend myself next time? finding out more information.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Rounding and Compensating

WALT solve addition equations using the rounding and compensating strategy.

My maths group has been learning about rounding & compensating maths strategies.

The reason why is because  it is the most efficient strategy for maths.   It is my favourite strategy. I will show you a example that I have made. 

What did I do well? doing writing really quick & fast. What was tricky? as a jpg putting my example. How can I extend myself next time? adding more detail.

Monday, June 8, 2020

My Bubble Memories

We are sharing our lock-down memories.

First we did our bubble memories in our writing book,   we wrote about our bubble memories like who was in our bubble and what we liked most,  I had to find snapshots from explore to tell my bubble stories.

Learning Reflection - What did I do well? getting started. What was tricky? finding transparent pictures. What could I do better next time?

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